Common diseases in elbow

What are common problems in elbow?

Most problems occur on the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus, which are the proximal muscle attachment points for the wrist extensors and flexors. Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) involves the wrist flexors while Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) involves the wrist extensors. Other problems include olecranon process fracture, dislocation and olecranon bursitis


Olecranon fracture

The olecranon is the proximal extremity of the ulna which is articulated with the humerus bone and constitutes a part of the elbow articulation. Its subcutaneous location makes it vulnerable to direct trauma.Olecranon process fracture is most common in elderly people and results from an indirect injury. In younger people, olecranon process fracture is generally caused by a direct injury. 

What are Causesof this disease?

-Direct injury: fall with elbow flexion
-Indirect injury: sudden pull of triceps muscle

What are common Symptoms?

-Swelling / hemorrhage 
-Muscle weakness
-Limited range of elbow motion due to pain, muscle spasm

What is the best treatment?

In fractures with little or no displacement, immobilization for 4 to 6 weeks may be sufficient, but other cases need surgery

Tennis elbow

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow, also called lateral epicondylitis, is an injury to the wrist extensor muscles. It occurs at the lateral epicondyle of the humorous and is accompanied by pain and difficulty grasping. Tennis elbow is caused by overuse, trauma and repetitive stresses.

 What are the common Causes?

-Work behavior: abnormal wrist position when typing or using a computer mouse
-Exercise: inappropriate warm up before exercise

-repetitive stress to elbow

Are there any Symptoms?
-Edema / Hemorrhage
-Muscle weakness
-Fatigue: decreased muscle strength and endurance
-Functional limitation

Is there any orthosis to improve symptom?

Yes. There  is a simple orthosis that named tenis elbow band that provide support and  pain relief.


Olecranon bursitis

The Olecranon bursa is a sac-like tissue behind the elbow joint that allows smooth elbow motion. Olecranon bursitis is a condition characterized by pain, redness and swelling around the olecranoncaused by inflammation of the elbow's bursa.

What are Causes of this disease?
-fall to the tip of the elbow)

-repeated minor injuries, such as repeated leaning on the point of the elbow on a hard surface (it is common in students).


What are Symptoms?
Pain around the back of the elbow during elbow extension 
Swelling around the back of elbow
Limited range of elbow motion due to pain and swelling

The best treatment

Conservative management of minor cases involves ice, a firm compression bandage, elbow supports and anti inflammatory drugs.

Treatment for more severe cases may include aspirating the excess bursa fluid, or injecting into the bursa to preventing further accumulation of fluid.

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