Lumbosacral Corset (Elastic Strap & Soft Bar)

The spine has three main sections, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. The twelve thoracic, five lumbar vertebrae and sacrum and coccyx bones make up the spine. The thoracolumbar spine (T1-L5) has two normal curvatures, lordotic in the lumbar region and kyphotic in the thoracic region. The primary spinal functions are to maintain an erect posture, provide stability and mobility, transmit loads, absorb shocks, and protect the spinal cord. Lumbar region often is at risk of serious injuries and damage because of upper limb weight tolerance and also lumbar joint mobility. Some lumbar vertebrae degeneration occurs with aging process like osteoarthritis. Disc herniations can result from aging changes, or some activities that require constant sitting or lifting also carrying heavy objects incorrectly can cause herniation of lumbar vertebral disc. Symptoms can be numbness, tingling feeling throughout one or both legs and even feet, burning feeling in the hips and legs and muscle weakness. Paksaman lumbosacral corset can support spine with transferring weight to pelvic girdle, restrict extra movement of lumbar region and reduce pain.


  • Acute or chronic low back pain
  • Mild and moderate symptoms of herniated intervertebral disc
  • Spondylosis
  • Post trauma for stabilization
  • Rheumatoid arthritis


  • Elastic and ventilated straps for additional support.
  • Four posterior soft bars stabilize the spine and allow limited flexion and extension
  • Provide mild immobilization of the lumbar spine


  • To reduce the need for cleaning your corset, wear a clean cotton T-shirt under your corset
  • Your doctor will decide how long you need to wear your corset. Be sure to follow your doctor’s advice, even if you feel better
  • Wash corset with cool water and avoid grabbing and compressing it, do not put in washer machine
  • exercises for strengthening back muscle and decreasing pain is recommended as follow:
  • Place hands palm on floor. Knees bent to 90 degrees. Lift your leg straight while simultaneously lifting opposite arm; Repeat 10 times each side.
  • Lie on your back. Draw your right knee up to your chest, and pause for 10 sec and repeat it with opposite leg.
  • Lie on your back. Use a towel to push leg toward your abdomen while the knee is extended; Hold this stretch for 10 sec.

Lumbosacral corset (elastic strap & soft bar) 's messurement

S 60-70 M 70-80 L 80-90 XL 90-100 XXL 100-110 XXXL 110-120

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