Chronic Neck Pain

Neck pain

Neck pain is a common complaint among people in the world.

Common causes of neck pain:

Neck pain can be a symptom of a more serious problem. Seek medical care if your neck pain is accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands.

Neck Pain Symptoms

 When Neck Pain Is Serious?

Some symptoms associated with neck pain could indicate the nerve root or the spinal cord is at risk. These symptoms can include radiating pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness into the shoulders, arm, or hands; as well as neurological problems with balance, or bladder and bowel control.

In addition, severe neck pain from a trauma, such as a car crash or falling down steps, needs emergency care. The neck should be immobilized by stabilizing collar to reduce the risk for paralysis and other complications. Philadelphia collar is applied in this condition.


What is chronic neck pain?

Neck pain is considered chronic when it persists for more than 3 months. Common causes include:

-Cervical degeneration disc diseaseEveryone experiences wear and tear on the cervical spine over time. It’s natural for the discs to gradually lose hydration and the ability to cushion the spine’s vertebrae.

-Cervical herniated disc. A cervical disc is herniated when its jelly-like inner layer, the nucleus pulposus, leaks out through a tear in the disc's protective outer layer. This could result from an injury or aging.

-Cervical osteoarthritis. When the cartilage in a cervical facet joint wears down enough, it can lead to cervical osteoarthritis.

-Cervical spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis occurs when the spine’s degeneration leads to a narrowing of the spinal canal, such as from a herniated disc that pushes into the spinal canal or bone spurs that grow into the canal.

Other causes of neck pain which are less common include:

Risk Factors for Developing Neck Pain

What are treatments of neck pain?

Treatment of neck pain varies depend on severity of pain and reason of neck pain includes:



        Soft collar                                          rigid collar                    rigid collar with chin support              

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