Forefoot Pain & Fractures

Forefoot pain often originates from the long metatarsal bones and pain under the ball of the foot. The more common forefoot fractures include metatarsal fracture, metatarsal stress fractures and Jones fracture. An acute fracture is caused by a direct impact such as dropping something on the foot, where repetitive impact causes a stress fracture.

Metatarsal fracture

This fracture is a break to one of the five long metatarsal bones in the foot and is usually caused by a direct trauma.



Metatarsal stress fracture

A metatarsal stress fracture can occur through overuse or poor foot alignment. Stress fracture are usually involve the second, third or fourth metatarsal bones.

Cause of Stress fractures

Treatment of stress fractures

Jones fracture

Jones' fracture is a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone on the lateral of the foot. Pain may be felt at the base of the 5th metatarsal.

Causes of Jones Fracture


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